Konsorcjum FP Space

FP Instruments is part of FP Space consortium

Three companies join forces to create FP Space consortium. Starting with Intuiton-1 mission with one of the most advanced On-Board Computers and Earth observation components, the FP Space Consortium begins its journey into Space.  FP Space is build of three companies: KP Labs, FP Instruments and Future Processing. The effects of the work of FP Space ...

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How FPGA’s input-output blocks can reduce PCB complexity

This article briefly examines the basic features of input-output blocks inside the field-programmable gate array devices and how these features potentially may limit the number of external components in the PCB design. The article is directed to readers acquainted with general purpose processors and microcontrollers and willing to compare the PCB design effort with the FPGA. Since FPGA architecture ...

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FP Instruments moves Electronic Design services and accelerates prototyping

FP Instruments team members have been developing electronic equipment for 14 years now and we are constantly improving our level of service. Recently we have moved to a new building built by our mother company Future Processing, which employs about 700 people now. Both of the companies hope this will open up a new possibility ...

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Embedded devices connectivity

Embedded devices no longer work only on their own. Today, in the emerging era of Internet of Things, even the smallest devices through connection to other nodes may play totally different role then they would if they were not connected. As a electronic design company we are often asked what are connectivity options for embedded ...

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Fast prototyping with a small automatic pick and place machine

For years of our prototyping activities we have been looking for affordable solutions, which would improve the speed and quality of prototyping and assembly of proof-of-concept boards. Up till now, depending on the project type, we have either assembled the prototype boards on our own on a classical assembly station (preheater, hot air station and ...

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Cross-platform vs. native development of mobile applications

Some of our clients face a problem of developing applications for different platforms to make their products available for more users. There are two major ways of overcoming this problem, and these include cross-platform development (one source code, re-usable on all platforms) and native development (creating separate applications for all target platforms). In the market place ...

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FPI has achieved second place for Innovation Driven R&D Outsourcing!

We are so proud to announce that FP Instruments has received an award for Innovation Driven Companies, which is given to the residents of Technology Parks located in Poland.FP Instruments was recognized by the Association of Business and Innovation Centres in Poland as an Innovation Driven R&D Company. FPI achieved second place in InnoFirma – Parkowe ...

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Optimization of mathematical operations in embedded systems with fixed point arithmetic

Quite often embedded systems projects have strict constraints concerning power consumption and their overall cost. Simultaneously a designer has to satisfy specification requirements which may involve reaching for a microcontroller with high processing power. It is of course a natural conflict situation and finding optimal solution gets harder with increase of application computing needs. In such cases it is ...

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Accessing block device in kernel space

During development of the ZTB station we had to come up with a solution which would ensure high throughput for device cloning. The most straightforward solution would be to use Linux standard tools to copy all contents of the device. Unfortunately, the cost of moving all data between devices with involvement of user space was ...

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To IoT or not to IoT

We visited the ‘Embedded World 2015’ in Nuremberg recently, with the intention to explore what the embedded leaders are proposing for 2015. The leitmotiv of this conference was the ‘Internet of Things’ #IoT. A number of exhibitors chose to display that phrase on their stands. There has been much mention of IoT lately, so my ...

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